I love textiles, which is funny because I don't necessarily love clothes. Clothes come with some burdensome obligations:
1. A clothes item has to fit, it has to be season-appropriate, the color has to be flattering, etc.
2. It has to satisfy a multitude of other fashion criteria, many of which are complicated and extremely nuanced.
3. Clothes have to fit the occasion, so you need a bunch of different sorts of clothes.
5. If you like a clothes item and it looks good on you, you can't just wear it every single day because people think that's weird.
I know some of you are going to disagree with me about this, but clothes are not the topic of this post.
TEXTILES, unlike clothes, are beautiful, but they don't need to be worn, and therefore can just be admired without that admiration being conflated with the person whose head is poking out of one end of them.
So, I love sheets and curtains and quilts and rugs. And I just found the website for John Robshaw Textiles, wherein they sell all sorts of beautiful things made out of cloth.
And I thought to myself, "I could really use a new set of sheets..." So I found some that I liked, and went to see how much these sheets cost. And you guys.
I love textiles, but like Virginia always says, I nearly died.
When you find that pot of cash money, please buy me this:
It will go in my one million dollar hotel room. It's only about 800 dollars.